The Riadven Pack
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The Riadven Pack
Hello there! We are a fun-loving wolf roleplay group and feel free to look around and apply to join if you'd like<3
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Motomo - New charrie

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Motomo - New charrie Empty Motomo - New charrie

Post by Lupa Sat Aug 29, 2015 6:39 pm

Motomo - New charrie Mot1


Name: Motomo
Nickname(s): Momo, Mottie, Mot
Although, Motomo has nicknames but he prefers to be called Motomo.

Name Pronunciation: Mo-toe-mo
Gender: Male
Age: Two and a half years
Sexuality: Homosexual
Breed: 50% North American Wolf, 50% European Wolf
Former Ranks: --
Current Rank: --

Pack: Riadven


Pelt: Motomo's hind quarters are a redish shade of brown, whilst his front half is a more white colour on the underbelly. He has a black area on his back and a red underside to his tail with the black continuing on the top side. His face is white with red highlights on the muzzle and black markings around the edges.
Eyes: Motomo's eyes are a faded shade of brown.
Build: He has large powerful muscles on his legs for running and propelling him forward during battles. Although, he is tall- with long legs for mostly running
Voice: Motomo has quite a deep background voice but has many different tones. When happy, Motomo has a sweet kind of voice- although, if you listen closely enough you will hear the deep voice behind it. When sad or angry, Motomo will have a sort of growling voice; it will be frightening itself to some wolves. When neutral, Motomo will have a voice that is in between.
Native Language: English. Knows some Spanish.


Persona: Kind || Caring || Aggressive || Clever
Normally, Motomo is a sweet and kind wolf, who is affectionate and kind. He is also calm and will be nice to those around him. But when angered, he turns into a crazed killing machine, he will attack those who challenge him and is a lot like a tank- he will ignore all pain and generally doesn't feel it, he will just continue to hit harder. He is protective of both his loved ones and his pack so will be normal around them until a threat appears, then he will jump into a fight.
With this aggressive persona you may think he is a little dumb- don't be fooled. He is clever and sly, sometimes manipulating wolves, even pack members. He is generally kind but when he doesn't want to be, he won't. He will do whatever he pleases and sometimes just bear a grudge easily. He will sometimes be disliked but if he likes a wolf or is attracted to a wolf he will be extremely affectionate and protect that wolf with all his might.

Likes: Kindness, Making friends, Fighting for the lives of those he loves, Helping, Giving information, Playing his part
Dislikes: His dark side coming out, Attacking those he loves, Wolves ignoring him
Strengths: Fighting, Making friends, Helping others, Caring for others, Cleverness
Weakness': Controlling his anger, Easily angered, Sometimes suicidal, Sometimes scares friends away


History: Motomo was born in North America, the exact location is unknown. He had Amick, his brother; Lapwai, his other brother and Ayet, his sister. His parents were called Yana, his father and Cheyenne, his mother. He has always been a slightly aggressive wolf, but always passionate about those he loves. Although, he was left out by his brothers because he liked males. This made Motomo angered slightly so one day when they were playing he deliberately injured his brother, Amick. Amick was the second largest of the litter (Motomo was bigger) and had to be cared for by the pack's healers. Lapwai had never really bullied Motomo much but he was from then on much more accepting of his larger brother. Yana, his father, told Motomo that he should be accepted by the pack for who he is and from that day (the day Amick was injured) he made sure the pack stopped the bullying. By this time Motomo was still only 3 months old.

After another few months Motomo had not been bullied and had already begun to learn the skills of fighting. He continued to hide away his deep and angry wolf inside and only let it out during battles. Cheyenne was more of a hunter so tried to teach Lapwai and Ayet the skill but Amick could not fight or hunt, due to his injury. He became a healer and a very skilled one. The siblings had become close- well at least they thought they were. One night Motomo was off practising his tracking skills in the woods when Amick and Ayet followed him. They were trying to discover his secrets. Motomo sat at the foot of a rock, staring upwards. Then he caught sent of his siblings and turned to face them. He asked what they were doing here but got no response. Motomo flipped out again, but did not lash out on his siblings, instead on his mother. For none of them realised she had followed. Motomo regretted the day he let out his anger and often hid himself away so to not see his poor mother.

Once he reached one year Cheyenne had improved slightly, now being able to locate prey and help slightly in hunts. Motomo still felt guilty and began bonding once again with her- but this was not to good of an idea- Motomo began to become over protective of his mother. If anyone came to close he would try and get them away. Eventually after another two months (When he was 1 year and 2 months old) he decided to disperse. Cheyenne accepted and told Motomo it was for the best.

Motomo became a lone wolf for 1 year and 3 months, his aggressive side coming out more often until the last three months when he tried to hide it away while he began a search for a pack. He found Riadven eventually and stuck here, hiding away his dark side as best he can and searching for the man of his life.

Family: Cheyenne || Dame || Alive
Yana || Sire || Unknown
Ayet || Sister || Alive
Amick || Brother || Unknown {Likely to be deceased}
Lapwai || Brother || Alive


Relationship Status: Single
Crush: --
Relationship: --
Best Friend: --
Friends: --
Acquaintances: --
Enemies: --
Arch Enemy: --

How'd you like him? Do you like my old bio style better?

Posts : 236
Join date : 2015-08-16
Location : To insanity and beyond

Character sheet
Name: Lupa
Gender: Female
Rank: Lead Warrior, Part time slapmaster

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Motomo - New charrie Empty Re: Motomo - New charrie

Post by Jeamesero Sun Aug 30, 2015 12:33 am

I likeeee thisssss <3333


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Join date : 2014-03-23
Age : 27

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Motomo - New charrie Empty Re: Motomo - New charrie

Post by Kazimir Sun Aug 30, 2015 2:12 am

I lurv him omg he's gorgeous

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Age : 26
Location : Probably some dark room

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Motomo - New charrie Empty Re: Motomo - New charrie

Post by Lupa Sun Aug 30, 2015 2:30 am

Hehe thanks guys!

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Location : To insanity and beyond

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Name: Lupa
Gender: Female
Rank: Lead Warrior, Part time slapmaster

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Motomo - New charrie Empty Re: Motomo - New charrie

Post by Maverick Sun Aug 30, 2015 11:46 am

Ohh I like him too!<33

I ship him with Jeames
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Motomo - New charrie Empty Re: Motomo - New charrie

Post by Lupa Sun Aug 30, 2015 12:41 pm

Maverick wrote:Ohh I like him too!<33

I ship him with Jeames

Thanks <333

Guess what has been talked about.

Posts : 236
Join date : 2015-08-16
Location : To insanity and beyond

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Name: Lupa
Gender: Female
Rank: Lead Warrior, Part time slapmaster

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Motomo - New charrie Empty Re: Motomo - New charrie

Post by Jeamesero Sun Aug 30, 2015 12:48 pm

Eeeeep Motomo <3
Oh wow, the ship xD


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Join date : 2014-03-23
Age : 27

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Motomo - New charrie Empty Re: Motomo - New charrie

Post by Zara Sun Aug 30, 2015 1:09 pm

Aw I love him<3

totes agree

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Age : 27
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Motomo - New charrie Empty Re: Motomo - New charrie

Post by Lupa Sun Aug 30, 2015 1:15 pm


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Location : To insanity and beyond

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Name: Lupa
Gender: Female
Rank: Lead Warrior, Part time slapmaster

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Motomo - New charrie Empty Re: Motomo - New charrie

Post by Cassiel Sun Aug 30, 2015 1:22 pm

also i haven't said this yet but great job on the bio!! i love him c':
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Motomo - New charrie Empty Re: Motomo - New charrie

Post by Lupa Sun Aug 30, 2015 1:45 pm


Thanks bb <3

Posts : 236
Join date : 2015-08-16
Location : To insanity and beyond

Character sheet
Name: Lupa
Gender: Female
Rank: Lead Warrior, Part time slapmaster

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